This wetland is 9km northeast of Manapouri, off the Hillside-Manapouri Road. Public access is via a short road to a car park off Ramparts Road. From the car park people are free to walk through the wetland, but there are no formed walking tracks within the wetland.
Visitors are welcome and access is free.
About the Project
The Trust purchased this 44ha wetland and associated riparian margins and outlet stream in 2000. This peatland has been subjected to fire, grazing and drainage over the years, resulting in considerable disruption to the ecosystem. Restoration of ecosystem processes is the key focus.
The Trust owned wetland with sections of open water.
What’s been happening
The Waiau Trust has been working on the Ramparts Road wetland by carrying out:
- protection of the wetland
- fencing of the wetland and outlet stream
- removal of grazing animals
- baseline survey of vegetation
- control of pest plants
- blocking of drains to restore the original water levels
- creation of open water wetland at lower end of property
- ecological response monitoring (spring bird counts)
Species to Benefit
Native Flora
Recovery of the wire rush/dracophyllum/bog pine/red tussock sequences.
Waterfowl species on the open water wetland, with potential for re-introductions (assisted or natural) of native wetland species, such as South Island Fernbird.
Log-finned eel and non-migratory galaxiid species in small numbers
Benefits for Water Quality
Over time, as vegetation recovery on the wetland and streams and the riparian margins occurs, water quality to the downstream aquatic ecosystems will be enhanced.